Sacré Coeur Association

Our connection with our Kincoppal-Rose Bay alumnae is incredibly strong. We see our alumnae as an integral part of our school community and value the history and tradition they provide as ongoing contributors to school life at KRB.

We are very proud of our alumnae, their achievements and the contributions they make in various fields. Alumnae are very important role models to our current students.

Sacré Coeur Association of NSW

The alumnae association of Kincoppal-Rose Bay is the Sacré Coeur Association of NSW. Through the Australian Sacré Coeur Association (ASCA) and Association Mondial des Anciens et Anciennes du Sacré-Cœur, (AMASC), our alumnae are connected with alumnae from our global network of Sacred Heart schools.

The aim of the Sacré Coeur Association of NSW is to promote the spirit of Cor Unum to foster a sense of belonging and strength of community beyond the school gates. 

A small group of dedicated volunteers lead the activities of the Sacré Coeur Association of NSW. The 2024 SCA NSW Committee Members are:

  • Josephine Giaouris (Donohoe, 1988) – President
  • Sarah Mullan (Smith, 1988) – Vice President
  • Harriet Wilson (1989) – Treasurer
  • Anne-Marie Debelak (Past Parent) – Secretary
  • Elissa Wills (Santamaria, 1993) – Public Officer
  • Phillipa Baker (Whalen, 1993)
  • Michelle Bookallil (Carrigan, 1989)
  • Maryanne Doman (Ward, 1986)
  • Phoebe Malouf (O’Ryan, 1999)
  • Charlotte Norfolk (Past Parent)
  • Jacinta Spurrett (Lenehan, 1989)
  • Sister Esmey Herscovitch (RSCJ Liaison)
Our Alumnae

We are committed to maintaining strong connections with KRB alumnae and the Sacré Coeur Association of NSW. We do this by:

  • assisting with all class reunions
  • hosting the annual Alumnae and Current Parents Morning Tea to assist alumnae to make connections across their children’s years groups
  • attend regional and international gatherings to help maintain connections for those alumnae living in country NSW or overseas.

Please contact Victoria Dalton, Alumnae Relations Co-ordinator email if you would like further information on any of these events.

Connect with Sacré Coeur Association of NSW

KRB Connect is a place for Kincoppal-Rose Bay alumnae, parents and friends to communicate with each other, expand their networks and foster community. 

KRB Connect allows members to: 

  • share work and study-related insights and experiences 
  • build professional connections 
  • ask group members for guidance 
  • view mentoring and internship opportunities 
  • read about school events 
  • learn about university courses and programs.

Alumnae can connect with each other and the Sacré Coeur Association on social media:

Facebook @krbalumnae

Instagram @krbalumnae

LinkedIn Group – KRB Connect

If you would like to be involved in the Sacré Coeur Association of NSW or have suggestions for how we can connect with and support each other, you can email the Committee on

National and International Collaboration

Association Mondial des Anciens et Anciennes du Sacré-Cœur, (AMASC) was formed in 1960 in Brussels at the request of Reverend Mother General de Valon. Reverend Mother de Valon saw the important and vital role the alumnae and alumni could play in fostering the work and spirit of the Society of the Sacred Heart. National Associations of women and men were organized to form the World Association that included alumnae and alumni from over 38 countries.

Locally, the Australian Sacré Coeur Association (ASCA) is the vital body that links the alumnae associations from Sacré Coeur Burke Road (VIC), Sacre Coeur Association of NSW, and Stuartholme (QLD) together. In turn we are also connected to the World Body; AMASC.

The purpose of ASCA is to create and maintain friendship and solidarity between Australian Alumnae and all National Federations and Associations of Alumnae of the Sacred Heart. As a non-profit organisation, the aim of ASCA is achieving true national and international collaboration. Alumnae of all three schools are automatically lifelong members via their individual alumnae memberships.

Through ASCA, our alumnae are also connected with alumnae from Sancta Sophia College (NSW), Duchesne College (QLD) and Baradene (Auckland, New Zealand). 

Every four years the responsibility of forming a committee and running ASCA is rotated around the three Sacred Heart schools in Australia.  Stuartholme, in Brisbane, holds the Presidency (until the end of 2022) and can respond to any questions you may have in regards to the AMASC and the International Alumnae Congress that is held every four years.  The next Congress is anticipated for 2022 in Rome.